Thrown in at the deep end!
It helps to know your subject and thankfully I have been talking about asbestos now for over 20 years.
I was very fortunate to be invited to a seminar recently on the Health and Safety Cases of 2018 where I met a former President of IOSH who then subsequently invited me to the next meeting of the South Downs Branch of IOSH.
So it came to pass that on a particularly inclement evening in early December I found myself at the Roffey Institute in Sussex introducing myself for the first time to the esteemed members of the Branch. Unfortunately the booked speaker had cancelled at last minute and, even worse, the person who had offered to stand in was stuck on a gridlocked M25.
The Chair then asked, tongue in cheek (or so I thought), whether I had ever participated in any public speaking. Well as luck would have it I had just the day before provided a CPD session for Sir Robert McAlpine on Asbestos Compliance in Construction, a session based around asbestos in Construction (Design and Management) rather than the well-trodden Control of Asbestos Regulations Asbestos Awareness.
I did not have a presentation to refer to, any notes or any other preparation but I accepted the challenge, I am always being up for a challenge!
An hour later I had spoken about asbestos as pre-construction information, and, the roles of the Client, Principal Designer, Designers and Principal Contractor. Spoken about the values of correctly scoping asbestos refurbishment and demolition surveys and the necessity to evaluate and assess the information before providing it to the contract chain. I had also spoken about the value of a competent person in the contract chain as the representative of the Client and / or Principal Contractor to ensure that remediation works are correctly specified to avoid costly variations or, worse, exposure incidents.
The audience appeared to enjoy it, they all stayed awake and asked plenty of questions. I even received feedback to say it was the best asbestos presentation they had heard and it was nice that it didn’t cover the normal subjects of asbestos containing materials, health effects and fatalities. This was Health and Safety professionals, they already know this information.
ProCompliance can provide fully independent asbestos compliance services, including asbestos surveying and inspections, asbestos compliance management advice, auditing, compilation of asbestos management plans and arrangements, asbestos management systems, competent person services,and training.
I would be happy to discuss any requirements you may have and offer a free CPD session.